
Posts Tagged ‘summer’

Wingy Dingys

In Paleo, Recipes on May 31, 2012 at 8:40 AM

The perfect at-home chicken wing. Yup, perfect. Unless, of course, you like your chicken wings soft and rubbery. If so, read no further.

Tomorrow is June 1st and I’m beyond overdue for a post so what could be a better way to kick off summer than with some good chicken wings? Grilling might be more seasonally appropriate but I have found that only really good way to get wings as crispy as I like is to broil them.

“Use Every Part of the Chicken” poster can be found on Etsy.


  • Chicken wings (Yup, that’s it! Sauce come later.)

You want to start with good wings. I pick up mine (plain!) at Tendercrop and I highly recommend them. Whatever you do don’t buy a bag of something that looks like Pterodactyl wings  – chicken wings should not be the size of your fist!

Next lay your wings out on a baking sheets (sometimes I’ll put them on a cooling rack on the baking sheet) with the thickest side facing down. Broil for 12 minutes. Then flip and broil for another 24. It sounds long but it’s not. The hubby likes his slightly less cooked and usually grabs his a few minutes before mine are done.

That’s it!

You could certainly add salt and pepper.

Sometimes I add the simplest sauce ever – melt butter, add some soy and some of your favorite hot sauce. You can either brush this on the wings (both sides) at about minute 20 or toss them immediately when they’re done.

It’s really that simple.

*Note: if your broiler is separate from our oven, in the bottom drawer, cooking times may vary slightly.